You must complete ALL of the following steps to access the application:
- Confirm Your Login Account
- Update Your Account Password
- Log In
This guide assumes that you already have an account that has been created for you by either someone else in your organization or by a CUOCPI administrator. This guide is built for you to follow it in the exact order that it is presented here, from top to bottom.
If you are having issues accessing CUOCPI, you may need to first confirm your login account. This section explains how to email yourself a new login confirmation email for you to act upon.
To receive a new confirmation email, enter your email address here and click the Email Me button below:
You will receive an email from with a subject line of Canadian Credit Union Association: Confirm your login account. Be sure to check your junk and spam folders for the email as well. Please note: If you can't find the email after looking in all of those places then you may have already verified your account previously. If that is is the case, attempt the next step in this guide, entitled "Update Your Account Password".
If you received the email, click on Verify my CCUA Login Account in the email. You will be redirected to a page to update your account password. If you update your password here, skip the next section below entitled "Update Your Account Password" and proceed to the section entitled "Log In".
If you didn't set your account password during the login account confirmation process described above, or if you forget your password, you will need to update it now. If you already updated your account password, skip this step and proceed to the section below entitled "Log In".
Navigate to Clicking here will open the link in a new tab.
Click Log In.
Click I forgot my password.
Enter your email address, and click Submit. You will receive an email to update your password.
Click on the link in the password reset email to update your password.
You are now ready to log into the site.
Once your account is confirmed and you have reset your password, you are now ready to log into the site.
Navigate to Clicking here will open the link in a new tab.
Click Log In.
Enter your login credentials and click Login. You are now logged in to the site.
You will be required to review and agree to the confidentiality agreement upon your first log in. Click I Agree.
If your account has been pre-authorized by an administator, you now have access to the content of the site. If your account has not yet been authorized by an admin then the admin will be notified that your account is ready for them to review, and they will either approve or reject your account. If the admin approves your account, you will be granted access to the content of the site.
Create a new bookmark in your browser to, so that you can easily return to the Login screen next time!